
    • Gulf University ensures that assessment is aligned to course intended learning outcomes (CILOs), and students are exposed to a range of assessment methods appropriate to the CILOs being assessed. Moreover, assessment shall be valid, reliable, fair and respect the dignity and privacy of students including students with special needs.
    • The University implements measures to ensure student’s own work, marking consistency, precise and accurate capturing of marks.
    • The University implement clear formal procedures for internal and external verification of assessment and marking criteria for all courses to ensure assessments’ reliability and fitness for purpose.
    • The University ensures the implementation of moderation and approval of assessment results for all courses. There are clear formal procedures for internal and external moderation of assessment and approval of results, to ensure reliability, fairness and consistency.
    • Students shall ensure that the software application is ready for the user and close all other programs and apps, including e-mail while appearing for online assessment.
    • Students shall open camera and share screen as requested by the instructor to monitor the online assessment.
    • Student shall be responsible to follow strictly the requirements of online proctoring including software.
    • Students shall be committed to the scheduled time specified by the course instructor and exam committee for online assessment.
    • Students are provided with a timely feedback on their assessed work for multiple purposes:
      • To be informed of their progress in the course.
      • To enhance their understanding of what is expected of them.
      • To deepen their learning of the knowledge content.
      • To develop their awareness of disciplinary norms.

Assessment of Students with Special Needs

Gulf University ensures that students with special needs shall be supported during the assessment process on a case-by-case basis, depending on their requirements. Arrangements include the followings:

    • Adjustment of the venue for the examinations.
    • Assistance in reading assignments, quizzes and exam scripts.
    • Assistance in writing assignments, quizzes and examinations.
    • Offering flexible and additional time for assessments.

Deferred and Late Assessment

    • Deferred Assessment: If the student is unable to complete an assessment due to legitimate and unexpected circumstances, s/he is allowed to apply for a deferred assessment with justifiable excuse to the course instructor for the assessment during the semester, and to the Unit of Admission and Registration for major assessments (midterm and final examinations, Jury and Panel assessments). For deferred major assessments, the student shall pay deferred assessment fees.
    • Late Assessment: The student can apply for a late assessment to the course instructor for the course work during the semester. In this case a 10% reduction of student’s mark will apply.

Assessment Appeal

The student has the right to appeal against assessment results in first and second-level appeals.

    • First-level appeal is an opportunity for students to appeal for their in-semester assessments (assignments and quizzes) directly to their instructors and to the Office of Admission and Registration for major assessments (midterm and final examinations, Jury and Panel assessments). The appeal decision is with course instructors.
    • Second-level appeal is an additional opportunity for students to appeal for their major assessments (midterm and final examinations, jury and panel assessments) to the Office of Admission and Registration. The appeal decision is entirely with College Teaching, Learning and Assessment Committee (C-TLAC). The student shall give appropriate explanation and reasons for his appeal and shall pay appeal fees.

Major Assessments (Midterm and Final Examinations)

Major assessments (midterm and Final examinations) are centrally administered by the University Examination Committee, and are held during the examination periods given and published in the Academic Calendar, which is circulated at the start of each Academic Year and uploaded on the University Website:


Examination venue rules are listed in “Conduct of Examination Procedures (GU-PR12CE)” and shall be displayed at the University campus and examinations Venue before and during examination Periods. It is the responsibility of students to be aware of these rules.

Last Updated on November 19, 2024 @ 10:56:12 am

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