About Media Production Center

The GU Media Production Center was founded in 2018 in response to the growing demand for high-quality and professional Media services. The center’s work focuses on creating Media content that combines academic sobriety and practical application in keeping with the most recent technological advancements. In addition, the center serves as a liaison between the GU and other institutions inside and beyond the Kingdom of Bahrain and actively contributes to the progress of Bahraini society.
Media Production Center Vision
To be a specialized center in the field of media productions that combines academic sobriety & practical applications in line with cutting-edge media Production technology, to play an essential role in promoting the values and mission of the Gulf University, and in contributing to the advancement of Bahrain society.
Media Production Center Mission
In order to highlight the Gulf University’s pioneering role in promoting knowledge, awareness, and culture using the most recent media technologies, the GU Media Production Center is dedicated to establishing communication bridges and forging strong ties between the GU and other institutions in & outside the Kingdom of Bahrain.
Media Production Center Values
- Innovation and Creativity
- Continuous Improvement
- Excellence
- Efficiency in Performance
- Leadership
- Sustainability
- Fair Competition
- Ethical Responsibility Towards Society and Environment
Media Production Center Goals
- Providing professional media of various events in & outside GU, including coverage of Scientific conferences, seminars, graduation ceremonies, art exhibitions and keeping track with all other diverse academic and non-academic activities.
- Offering professional Radio & Television related field training and organizing professional workshops in various disciplines, including photography, videography, video editing, graphic design, sound recording and lighting.
- Cooperating with local and international academic institutions in media production and technology fields.
- Providing high-quality media services that befit the prestigious position of GU locally, regionally, and internationally.
- Creating a new media generation with the ability to innovate, create, and develop professional media content which reflects the values of Bahraini culture and tradition.
- Giving students opportunities to show their talents in the field of media.
Last Updated on November 17, 2024 @ 09:59:24 am