
The Bachelor in Law program is designed with a new direction, philosophy, learning outcomes, curriculum and teaching and learning methods. The program is considered unique and distinguished from other law programs offered in Bahrain and the region because it introduces three different tracks: business, information technology and real estate, all while reflecting contemporary issues and global paradigm shifts. It responds to the dynamic labor market needs which no longer requires traditional law graduates. Industries now seek to hire legal professionals who can conduct, organize, and manage legal transactions related to information technology, business and real estate sectors, which has evolved drastically. The practical nature of the program provides an opportunity to gain hands on experience and stay actively engaged with classmates and legal professionals.


The law program at the Gulf University is the most distinguished in the Kingdom of Bahrain and the region in general. It came with three tracks: business, real estate, and information technology.

Discover Our Campus

Key Facts

Level: TBA
Duration: TBA
Track: Arabic
Starting: TBA
Fees: TBA
Location: Sanad

Get In Touch

For questions regarding study and admissions please contact us:

(+973) 1762 0092


Building 1964, Road 4363، Sanad 743, Kingdom of Bahrain

Graduate Attributes

    • Knowledgeable: A person with an in-depth knowledge of concepts, theories and principles related to laws, legislation, and instructions, as well as concepts and principles related to the chosen path.
    • Professional: A professional person in the legal sector, and a strong competitor to his peers.
    • Effective Communicator: A person able to communicate orally and in writing with his colleagues, clients and those related to his work.
    • Leader and team member: A person able to demonstrate leadership and work as a team member while collaborating in a professional manner.
    • Innovator and Problem solver: A person capable of providing innovative and creative solutions using professional arguments and drawing meaningful conclusions
    • Learner for life: A lifelong learner who is self-motivated for continuous development and research. A person keen to develop professionally and personally while adapting to advancements in the field.
    • Committed: A person showing a commitment to the ethics of the legal profession, the relevant legislation, sustainable development and the culture of the country in which he works in.
    • Negotiator: A person able to negotiate in the profession and persuade using logical arguments.

Program Content

The Legal Studies Department at the College of Law was established in its endeavor to prepare distinguished graduates in law while keeping pace with the future needs of the Gulf, Arab and international legal profession. The department aspires to be a prominent and distinguished source of education, scientific research and community engagement within the field of law.

Study Plan 2022-2023 (English) (Click to download).

Study Plan 2022-2023 (Arabic) (Click to download).

  1. Applicants must have a high school diploma or its equivalent in accordance to the regulations of the Ministry of Education in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
  2. Applicants must have a GPA of 60% or above in high school.
  3. Applicants with a cumulative GPA equal or greater than 60% must pass the placement tests, otherwise they will enroll in the relevant preparatory courses as follows:
    • When registering for the preparatory course(s), students are not allowed to register for the program’s courses, but they are allowed to register for the university’s general courses (provided that there are no prerequisites for such courses). After passing the preparatory courses, students can register for the program’s courses.
    • All preparatory courses count for (3) credit hours
  4. Applicants must attend interview (out of 50 points) conducted by at least two law program faculty members. The interview consists of structured questions aimed at knowing the students’ legal studies’ aspirations, perceptions towards ethics, fairness and justice and the necessary basic communication skills for the legal education. A minimum of 65% is required in the interview to enter the program’s courses. If the applicant’s score is less than 65%, then the applicant must be registered in the preparatory course (LAW012A Introduction to Legal Studies).
  5. Applicants will take the placement test and in case of failure they will be registered in the relevant preparatory course(s) as shown below:
    • Arabic language skills: The passing score for the Arabic language proficiency test is 65%. If the applicant’s score is less than 65%, he/she must register in the preparatory course (Basics of Arabic Language Skills) ARB011.
    • Computer skills: The passing score for the computer skills placement test is 65%. If the applicant’s score is less than 65%, he/she must enroll in the preparatory course (computer skills CS011).
    • English language skills: The passing score for the English language proficiency test is 65%. If the applicant obtains a score from 40% to less than 65%, he/she must enroll in the next Preparatory Course (Foundation English 2) (ENG016 Foundation English 2).
  6. Applicants with a GPA less than 60% must directly enroll in a preparatory program that includes the following preparatory courses:
    • LAW012A – Introduction to Legal Studies
    • ARB011 Basics of Arabic Language Skills
    • CS011 Computer Skills
    • ENG015 Foundation English 1
    • ENG016 Foundation English 2
  1. Exemption from placement tests

7.1. Applicants are exempted from the English language placement test if they have a valid acceptable score in any of the following:

      • TOEFL [550 Paper-Based Test (PBT) / 79 Internet-Based Test (IBT)]” TOEFL Test (Paper-Based / Internet)
      • International English Language Testing System (IELTS): (6)
      • “Cambridge English: First (FCE) 60%” Cambridge English
      • An equivalent to the previous certificates.

7.2. Applicants who have been transferred from similar programs are exempted from the placement tests, provided that the equivalency of the courses and the transfer of credit hours show that they have passed similar tests or studied courses similar to the preparatory courses at the Gulf University, otherwise, they will be subject to the relevant placement test(s).

The Program is offered over a period of 4 years as follow:

Year 1

The first year gives the students the opportunity to acquire concepts, principles and theories related to the field of law. It provides the basis for the specialization by including law introductory level courses and like Principles of Justice, Introduction to Law, Economy and Society, Political Systems and Sources of Obligation. This year also includes university general courses such as English for Effective Communication, English for Technical Reporting and Arabic Language.

Year 2

The second-year courses provide a detailed understanding of the basic law courses in various fields, including Family Law, Labor Law, Terms of Obligations, Principles of Commercial Law, Administrative Law, Public and Private Penal Code, Penalties and others. Students will also learn about Public international Organizations, Laws of Commercial Organizations, Advanced English Skills and History and Culture of Bahrain.

Year 3

This stage comes with a different flavor for it’s the year that will determine the career path of the students, as they will have to choose one of the three tracks the program offers namely, business, information technology or real estate.

Year 4

Fourth-Year courses provide an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the advanced and specialized law and chosen track courses in order to prepare the students for the profession. This year includes specialized courses such as Evidence, Enforcement, Ethics and Practices in Legal Profession, in addition to practical courses such as Legal Clinic and Moot Court that stimulates real court room practice. This year also requires the students to complete the graduation project in the chosen track of the program to wind up the knowledge, skills and attributes gained during the tenure of their studies.

    • BHD100 per credit hour.

The Total amount before Discount BHD 13,200 and Gulf University provide to the student’s scholarship according to their high school GPA as shown in below tables:

High School


Fees per 1 Cr.

Total Amount After Discount

GPA ≥ 95%


50 BHD

6,600 BHD

80% – 94.9%


80 BHD

10,560 BHD

70% – 79.9%


90 BHD

11,880 BHD

The College of Law has several facilities dedicated for Law students, namely:

    • Moot Court.
    • Individual and small group discussion rooms.
    • Field visits to legal institutions.
    • The databases provided by the university.
    • The studying electronic platform.
    • Open areas for lectures and film screenings.

The Bachelor of Law program includes two trainings (first training and second training):

The first training takes place in the summer at the end of the second academic year, and the student must complete 100 working hours, after completing 50% of the approved hours of the Law program.

The second training takes place in the summer at the end of the third academic year, and the student must complete 200 working hours, after completing 70% of the approved hours of the Law program.

The first training takes place in different legal institutions and centers under academic’s supervision. During the training period, the student completes several legal tasks, to explore areas of legal work that will help him/her specialize in Law and what is related to it.

At the end of the training period, the student submits a written report on the tasks accomplished and the report is presented to a committee to evaluate the efforts and tasks assigned to him in the training place.

The second training will be in different and disparate legal centers according to the student’s chosen specialization in Law. During this period, the student will be under academic’s supervision to evaluate the performance in the legal tasks. The student is expected to support the acquired skills during the first training period, where he/she will highlight his/her capabilities and skills more and employ taught theory in his/her specialization in a practical and applied way. He/she should also employ his/her energies to serve the training agency and gain additional experiences from it.

The second field training is an opportunity for the student to get acquainted closely with the areas of the labor market dedicated to his/her field and to form a deeper vision about the labor market and its needs. At the end of the training period, the student submits four reports (a report after every 50 hours of training) during which he/she reviews accurately and elaborately what was accomplished in front of discussion and evaluation jury.

The student’s evaluation of both trainings is out of 100 degrees.

    • 40% of the work is evaluated and graded by the field supervisor.
    • 30% of the work is evaluated and graded by the academic supervisor.
    • 30% of the work is evaluated and graded by the internship jury.
Do the program’s trucks affect the degree after graduation so that the alumni are not accepted to work with the professions that other universities alumni work in? The track chosen by the student is an addition to the Law program offered in other universities, and a graduate of the Faculty of Law at the Gulf University is qualified to work in all professions that allow Law graduate in general to work in it, in addition to the other job opportunities related to the track itself.
Is this certificate recognized in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia? Yes, the Law program is accredited and recognized in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Did the program tracks add extra credits to the Law program, so that the total credits of Law Program in Gulf University are more than others? No, the tracks added to the program did not burden the program with more credits than others, and the total number of hours is 132 hours.
Is the program in Arabic or English language? The Law program is entirely in Arabic, with the exception to the three English language courses.
Are there training hours for students? Yes, what distinguishes Law programs from other Law programs in other universities is that the student receives 100 hours of practical training in the second year and 200 hours of practical training in the third year.
Does the university provide training sites? Yes, the university uses its partnership with private and governmental sectors to provide training sites.
What are the tracks of the program? The program comes in three tracks: First Track: Information technology sector track. Second Track: Real estate sector track Third Track: Business sector track. Students are eligible to choose their track after completing the second year. The academic advisors are always ready to help students choosing the appropriate track for their professional future. In the third year, students get two elective courses in the specialization of the track and four in their fourth year, in order to qualify after that to work in broader fields.


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Email: helpdesk@gulfuniversity.edu.bh
Phone: +973 1762 0092 – Extensions 111 – 112 – 113
WhatsApp: +973 3563 3610

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Open Days give you the best experience and insight to courses, people and facilities that interest you. Make your choice easier and come meet us.

Careers & Employability

The Bachelor in Law program is designed to prepare work-ready graduates with the skills needed in the twenty-first century. Graduates are expected to join the following positions

    • Lawyer
    • Financial Legal Advisor
    • Real Estate Legal Advisor
    • IT Legal Advisor
    • Legal Advisor in Business
    • A legal mediator in matters of information technology/ real estate/and business.
    • Arbitrator
    • Legal analyst
    • Prosecutor
    • Financial Legal Services Consultant/Advisor
    • Electronic Investigations Officer

The specialized nature of the program provides broader career options for law graduates in the fields of financial services, marketing, human resources, and real estate development. Therefore, career opportunities will not be narrow in the field of law and legal affairs only but will expand to include other institutions and sectors

Student Story

Wejdan Salah's Story

“Taking a work placement is one of the best decisions I have ever made. It enabled me to have the opportunity to look thoroughly into the HR industry, to develop an understanding of the structure, behaviour and working norms within an organisation, as well as improving my verbal and written communication skills.

The placement has played a key role in determining what career I would like to pursue, I am now confident as to what I would like to do after graduating. I feel like I now have an advantage on expanding my network in the HR sector. This placement has also had a huge impact on my personal development – a year ago, I was a shy individual whereas now I am more confident and can see the transformation within myself.”

Related Programs

Bachelor in Law

The Bachelor in Law program is designed with a new direction, philosophy, learning outcomes, curriculum and teaching and learning methods. The program is considered unique and distinguished from other law programs offered in Bahrain and the region because it introduces three different tracks: business, information technology and real estate, all while reflecting contemporary issues and global paradigm shifts.

Is this program for you?

Last Updated on November 19, 2024 @ 10:54:15 am

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