Library Spaces

Study Room General Guidelines:

  • Study rooms are located in GU Academic Building.
  • It is for academic discussion purposes and exclusively for GU students only.
  • There are four (4) rooms available, and they are as follows:
    • 3 study rooms that can accommodate 2 – 4 students.
    • 1 study room that can accommodate 5 -12 students.
  • Priority is given to groups composed of three or more students. For groups smaller than the minimum occupancy, you may be asked to vacate the room to cater for the larger groups.
  • Study rooms should be booked before using it.
  • The students who will use the study rooms are responsible for the furniture, equipment and the overall condition of the room.
  • White board markers and computer peripherals are available at the Information Desk.
  • Please maintain the cleanliness and work quietly inside the study rooms.
  • Eating and sleeping inside the study rooms are not allowed.
  • Please push back the chairs and turn off the TV monitor before leaving and nobody must be left inside the room.
  • The person-in-charge has the right to tell the students to vacate the rooms if they are misbehaving.

Study Room Booking Procedures:

  • Students who would like to use the study rooms need to book it through the library webpage ahead of time for reservation purposes.
  • One representative from the group should fill out the form when booking online.
  • This form is sent to the person-in-charge who will do the reservation of the study rooms.
  • The following data should be supplied in the form:
    • Name of Student
    • Student ID Number
    • Mobile Number
    • Program
    • Date of Use
    • Starting Time
    • Ending Time
    • Number of Students
    • E-mail Address
  • Walk-in students are also accommodated only if there are no prior reservations on their preferred date and time.
  • One representative from the group should fill out the reservation form located at the Information Desk.
  • The representative must provide an ID to the person-in-charge and to be returned after using the study room.
  • The following data should be supplied in the reservation form:
    • Student’s Name
    • Student’s ID Number
    • Program
    • Date of Use
    • Time of Use
    • Number of students
  • The representative should be physically present while using the study rooms.
  • A maximum of one (1) hour is given for each group to use the study rooms; this is to cater for the other students who would also want to use the study rooms.
  • In cases where the group wishes to extend the use of the study rooms, the representative must inform the person-in-charge immediately. For renewal of reservation, the request will only be granted if there are no prior bookings.

Book a Library Space 

Last Updated on February 15, 2024 @ 02:47:39 pm

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