Digital Databases
Important Links:
- Proquest
- Ebook Central
- Springer E-Books
- Al-Manhal Electronic Library
- Emerald Database
- The Learn Book
The students, faculty, staff and researcher can access the subscribed and open access databases, and other academic related links through the GU website. This is available on and off campus.
- Library patrons who opted to access the online resources in the Digital Library should follow rules and regulation under this area.
- Library users should register on the specified log sheet for student, faculty/staff, and visitor located at the circulation desk of the library staff.
- Username (student/faculty/staff ID) and password are required in accessing the desktop computers for monitoring/utilization purposes.
Procedure In Accessing Online Databases:
- For Students Click Here
- For Academic Staff Click Here
- For Administrative Staff Click Here
- For Alumni/ Visitors (Coming Soon)
SpringerLink Access:
Access Library Catalog: