Students’ Academic Code of Conduct

    • All the students should read and comply with the policy and the procedures of the University.
    • It is the responsibility of all students to behave ethically in all academic tasks and activities and avoid committing any plagiarism and/or academic dishonesty.
    • Students shall be subject to penalty and disciplinary action imposed by the University if there is any case of academic dishonesty.
    • Each student is required to submit declaration sheet with explicit reference to university’s definition of Plagiarism as detailed in GU Policy and Procedures` Handbook while submitting any coursework/ assignment/ project/report /any research concerning assessment.
    • Any cases of academic misconduct including plagiarism and cheating will be dealt with stringent procedures as per the GU Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct Policy and Procedures.
    • The students are cautioned to refrain from submitting any plagiarized work and therefore, should give due credit to the author for the original idea along with citation for the interpretation to further justifies the basis of the text. There is no harm in referring intellectual material in the related discipline provided, it is properly acknowledged.
    • The student should follow the referencing pattern as directed by the instructor/mentor mentioning author, title of the book or journal, place, date, page number etc. It is better to employ principle of good academic practice to enhance originality and creativity which in turn reduces the chance of plagiarism.
    • Copying with proper citation or quotation will not lead to plagiarism but will defeat the purpose of academic excellence unless students flourish their critical thinking and originality.
    • In case of paraphrasing or referring any idea or material from a source the students should acknowledge the original author and the source.
    • Plagiarism cannot be avoided by modifying text or by adding or deleting some text since it also caters to extracting others` data/information without identifying any sources.
    • Plagiarism is considered as academic misconduct whatever be the reason, copying cannot be justified at any level.
    • The students shall be informed about the forms of plagiarism and how to avoid by the instructor/assessor before assignment of any coursework such as assignment, research project, graduation and internship project. The students are expected to check the prepared text through ‘Turnitin’ before submission to ensure objectivity and originality. Instructors have the ethical responsibility in this regard to make keep students aware of the consequences of academic misconduct.
    • In total, plagiarism is considered as a serious offence and students shall be penalized depending upon the number of offences done. However, students can appeal or shall be given opportunity to be heard to support their position before taking any disciplinary action.
    • Accordingly, students shall also follow the guidelines pertaining to GU cheating.
    • Students are advised not to engage in any act of disturbance including talking, cheating and/or attempting to cheat during the examinations.
    • The GU Handbook outlines clear instructions pertaining to expected students` behavior during the mid-term and final examinations. Therein, the GU Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct policy and procedures evidently indicate any forms of cheating and/or attempt to cheat as academic misconduct.
    • Any student(s) caught cheating in class quiz, mid-term or final examination, shall bear strict disciplinary action which, if repeated, can even lead toward dismissal from the course/semester or the University.
    • Students caught in any such repeated incidents shall be dismissed from the degree program. Further details on this can be retrieved from the GU Handbook.
    • The students shall also be provided with relevant information upon the due course of examinations.

Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct

    • Plagiarism is not tolerated; it is not allowed to copy a previous project’s idea or work of other student(s).
    • Gulf University considers 15%-20% text-matching for undergraduate programs as “minor infringements,” and above 20% matching is considered to be major infringements. This includes all kinds of text and visual based assignments. Where plagiarism is detected, appropriate action is taken to ensure the academic integrity of the learning and the qualification. This action is set out in the plagiarism procedures.
    • Students shall be abstained from plagiarism or cheating in any form (copy answers from books, e-books, external sources, the Internet, peers or any other person) during online examination.
    • Instructor shall review the similarity report through Turnitin for any work of student submitted through digital platform. If the similarity percentage of the submitted work is more than 15%, the instructor shall send the case for the Student Disciplinary Committee for appropriate investigation.
    • The instructor shall award zero for the assessment if any question of the assessment shows clear case of plagiarism.
    • Students shall not communicate with any person/colleague during online assessment for sharing answer or clarifying doubts unless the task requires collaborative work and is specified by the instructor in assessment instructions.
    • The student has the right to appeal to the disciplinary decision.

Last Updated on November 17, 2024 @ 12:41:14 pm

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