Student Feedback

The Student Support Service provides a fully integrated support service for Gulf university students. We will ensure our services are accessible and inclusive for all students/staff also we provides advice, information to all students including special needs students.


    • The university must have an administrative system to deal with student grievances to ensure resolving them in accordance with the following principles:
      • Secrecy of grievances.
      • Quickness in handling and resolving the grievances.
      • The student being not harmed because of his grievance.
      • Insuring Justice, fairness and equality for all.
    • All students should get their rights.
    • Giving the students the opportunity to express their opinions freely in the regulations and services.
    • Developing the regulations and services in a way that lead to developing the work in the university and achieving students’ satisfaction.

Criteria for Submitting Grievances

    • Grievance is an expression of dissatisfaction with aspects of the services provided to students by the university. Grievance may relate to deficiencies in administrative procedures or deficiencies resulting from the non-fulfillment of obligations and regulations of the educational process or other services offered by the University.
    • The grievance cannot be from an unknown source (not named). If the student has a grievance, he must submit it by himself, and not through another person. If the student mentions the name of another person or persons on the grievance, they have the right to know what is being said about them as soon as possible, and to know the student who submitted the grievance. The sensitivity of the grievance should be taken into consideration by the person who is following up the grievance and shall take all appropriate procedures to ensure that the person submitting the grievance will not be subject to any discrimination as a result of submitting the grievance.
    • It should be taken into consideration that there are informal procedures and friendly methods to resolve the problems and grievances.
    • The student submitting the grievance should not expect that the result of the grievance will always be satisfactory. Providing some services may depend on the resources decisions related to general policy at the university level.
    • If the student submitting the grievance is not satisfied with the results and decisions of the Committee, he may submit a grievance to the university president.

Procedures for Submitting the Grievance

    • If the student has a problem with one of the faculty members or administrators, he can explain and discuss his case directly with the academic advisor or the head of the department. Many cases can be resolved through explanation and discussion.
    • If the student did not get a satisfactory response to his grievance, it is possible to submit the grievance to the grievance committee at the university by filling a form and submitting it to the committee at the Deanship of Student Affairs or through grievance boxes or by the e-mail of the grievance committee complain@
    • If there is a problem concerning the services, it is possible to submit the grievance to the grievance committee at the university by filling a form and submitting it to the committee at the Deanship of Student Affairs or through grievance boxes or by the e-mail of the grievance committee complain@
    • It is Important that the grievance should be submitted as soon as possible after the problem occurred. Then the problem can be classified to follow the administrative solution procedures as soon as possible. It may be difficult to return things to the proper status as a result of delay in filing the grievance form.
    • All details should be mentioned in the grievance form, including procedures and actions, if any, which the student did before to solve the problem or any action that has been performed by the university as well as the student full name, University ID, phone number and e-mail. It is preferable to mention the procedures envisaged by the student to resolve the problem.
    • It is supposed that the student will be informed about the grievance result in writing or by e-mail within two weeks from the date of receiving the grievance and the student should be informed about the procedures taken to solve the problem.
    • If the grievance is related to the exams grades, the student can fill the form of grievance available in the exam committee and submit it directly to the exam committee.

Organization Structure

Students’ grievance committee is headed by the Dean of Student Affairs at the University and includes in its membership two of the faculty members, one of them should be a professor of mental health and the president of the student council.


    • Receiving students’ grievances from grievance boxes.
    • Receiving the students directly to register their complaints and directing them to procedures to resolve them.
    • Keeping a record of student complaints in a special file (books and electronic)
    • Following-up procedures to resolve the student’ grievances codify them and record the findings.
    • Performing statistics at the end of each semester of the grievances submitted, classifying them according to colleges and submitting them to the University Council for the purpose of guidance to improve the performance of programs, services, systems and administrative policies at the university.
    • The grievances that the committee was unable to take a decision about should be referred to the office of the Vice President of the University or the office of the President of the University or the University Council to take the appropriate decision.
    • In the case of dissatisfaction with the results of the complaint, the student may another complaint to the office of the University President.

Mechanisms of Action:

First: General Grievances:

      1. How to submit grievances:
        • The student submits his grievance directly to the Deanship of Student Affairs.
        • The student can submit his grievance through the grievance boxes or electronically through the e-mail of the student complains.
      2. Grievances are to be collected everyday by the student grievances committee.
      3. Complaints will study by the Committee of complaints of students.
      4. Grievances will be submitted to the relevant authorities (colleges and academic or administrative departments) to express an opinion by the Dean or the head of the department about the grievance and how to resolve it and to remove the resulting obstacles, if any.
      5. The procedures will be discussed by the committee and the committee will inform the student about his/her grievance during a period that does not exceed two weeks from the date of submitting the grievance.

Second: Grievances Related to Exams Grades and Results:

Students may object to the marks given within 15 days from the date of announcing the results. The following procedures should be followed when objecting to exam results:

      1. Getting the grievance form from the Exam Committee according to the following colors:
        • College of Business Administration and Finance – red colour
        • College of Law – blue colour
        • College of Education – white colour
        • College of Engineering – yellow colour
        • College of Computer Engineering – purple colour
        • English Development Department- green colour
      2. Filling in the form and handing it over to the Exam Committee secretary to make sure that the information filled is correct.
      3. The form should be signed by the head of the exam committee or any other member on behalf of him.
      4. The student who submitting the grievance should pay a grievance fee which is 25BD.
      5. The form will be returned to the Exam Committee after being stamped by the Accounts Department attached with the receipt.
      6. The committee will check the exam answer sheet removing the student details and giving the exam answer sheet a code then the committee will refer the request to the relevant college to examine it by a committee of which the course instructor is not a member.
      7. The result of grievances is announced within two weeks from the date of submitting the request. The student can check their result with the Exam Committee during that period.
      8. The grievance fee is returned to the student if the result of the grievance was for the benefit of the student.

Last Updated on November 18, 2024 @ 12:08:40 pm

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