Credit Hours System

    • Gulf University applies American Credit Hours System, where specific number of credit hour(s) is (per week) allocated for each course that is included in the academic program study plan to earn the degree. One Credit Hour is equal to (15) hours of classroom teaching (or equivalent in applied courses and laboratories) in the semester, also, it equals to (4) NQF Credits.
    • According to HEC regulations, a bachelor program consists of minimum 120 credits. However, bachelor programs offered at GU range from 130 to 136 credit hours, which consist of General (University) Requirements, Program Core and Elective Courses.
    • The study period is distributed over 4 years with average of 15 credit hours per regular semester, where the academic year consists of two regular semesters (Fall and Spring), and one optional summer semester.
    • The duration of the regular semester ranges from 14 to 16 weeks, while the minimum period of the optional summer semester is (7) weeks. However, GU applies a 15/16-weeks duration of regular semester and 7/8-weeks duration for the optional summer semester.
    • The weight of the course(s) (credit hour/s) contributes both to the Student’s semester GPA and Cumulative GPA.

Credit Accumulation

    • At the end of the semester, a regular student (full-time) is expected to spend an average number of Notional Hours (Number of Course Credit Hours multiply by 40) in teaching, learning and assessment activities. The involvement in teaching, learning and assessment activities take several forms such as:
      • On-campus hours: attending lectures, tutorials, labs, workshops, independent working in labs, studios workshops and Library), tests, examination, projects etc.
      • Off-campus hours: homework, visiting libraries outside the campus, field visit, workplace engagement, assignments, research, projects etc.
    • A student shall accumulate minimum 30 credit hours (120 NQF credits) in a specific level to move forward to the subsequent level.
    • The four-year program at GU is distributed over NQF levels as follows:
      • First Year is equivalent to NQF Level 5
      • Second Year is equivalent to NQF Level 6
      • Third Year is equivalent to NQF Level 7
      • Fourth Year is equivalent to NQF Level 8
    • A student shall accumulate total program credit hours (all NQF levels) in order to be eligible for a Bachelor Degree.

Study Period

The minimum period for Bachelor degree is (3.5) years and the maximum period is (8) years.

Student Academic Load

Student Academic load is the number of credit hours the student is allowed to enroll in during the semester.

    • For normal semesters (Fall and Spring), the minimum and maximum limits for the academic load of a regular student are (12) and (19) credit hours, respectively, while for the summer semester the maximum limit for the academic load is (9) credit hours.
    • The contact hours of preparatory courses are considered in calculating the academic load.
    • The student may enroll in less than (12) credit hours in a semester once during his/her study period. If the student enrolls in less than (12) credit hours in any more semester, the semester will not be included in minimum, but in the maximum study period, provided that s/he does not exceed maximum study period.
    • The student can enroll in more than the maximum limit in his/her final semester, but not exceeding (21) credit hours, provided that:
      • The student’s CGPA is not less than (3.00).
      • The student needs (21) credit hours for graduation in that semester.

Add/Drop Courses

Students are allowed to add and/or drop courses during the Add/Drop Period stated in the University Academic Calendar (2 weeks from the first day of classes in normal semesters, one week from the first day of classes in summer semester), provided that their academic load meets the stated maximum and minimum limits.

Student Attendance

Students at GU are required to attend their courses. Attendance criteria are as follows:

    • Students’ attendance shall start from the first day of classes, which is the first day after the “Original Registration Days” period stated in the University Academic Calendar.
    • Student is not allowed to be absent for more than 25% of total hours of the course.
    • An initial warning will be issued to the student once his/her absence reaches 10% of total hours of the course; a final warning will be issued to the student and sent to the sponsor (if any) once the absence reaches 15% of total hours of the course.
    • If the student absence exceeds 25% without excuse, then s/he will be considered as ‘withdraw’ in the course, will not be allowed to attend the final examination, therefore, will be assigned grade (WF) for that course.

Grading and Ranking Scheme

For marking students’ work, Gulf University considers the following grading and ranking scheme, which is based on a 4-point scale:




















RankExcellentVery GoodGoodPassFail

The minimum pass mark for courses is (60%) – Grade (D), and the minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is (2.00) – Grade (C).

Suspend Study

The student can suspend his/her study within the allowable limit of one semester upon approval from relevant dean. Suspended semester is excluded from the maximum study period.

Student Dismissal

    • Students shall be dismissed from the University on the following academic bases:
      • His/her CGPA is lower than (2.00) for (2) consecutive semesters after receiving the academic warning.
      • Failed in any course (3) times.
      • Discontinued for (2) semesters without approved excuse(s) by the University Council.
      • Exceeded the maximum study period.
    • The University Council may exempt the student once from “dismissal on academic bases” for 1 or 2 semesters upon accepted excuse(s) provided that this shall not lead to exceeding the maximum study period of the student.
    • A student will be exempted from dismissal due to low CGPA by the University Council in the following cases:
      • If his/her GPA in the last semester of the academic warning period is (2.5), the student will be given one additional semester to improve CGPA, otherwise, s/he will be dismissed from the University.
      • If s/he completed 75% of total credit hours of the program of study and regardless of the CGPA, the student shall be exempted from dismissal as long as not exceeding the maximum study period, otherwise, s/he shall be dismissed from the University.

Study Path Selection for Students in Mass Communication Bachelor Program

    • Students passed their 3rd Semester of study are eligible for path selection process (select Study Path from Media – Journalism – Public Relation).
    • Students passed their 4th Semester of study are eligible to proceed further for path selection process.

Repeat Courses

The following rules apply for repeating courses:

    • The student must repeat any course that s/he failed in. The minimum pass mark (60%) is considered in CGPA.
    • The student is allowed to repeat any course that he passed with GPA equal to or greater than (C). In this case, the new mark is considered in CGPA. All grades shall appear in the student academic record with the letter ‘R’ (Repeated).
    • The student must repeat any optional course that s/he failed in. If the course is deleted from the curriculum, the student is required to study an alternative course from the same optional course group upon approval from relevant Department Council. In this case, the new mark is considered in CGPA. All grades shall appear in the student academic record.

Curriculum Changes

The following rules apply for curriculum courses:

    • All changes will apply for newly admitted students.
    • Existing students are required to study an equivalent number of newly added courses against any previous courses that are deleted, but they still needed to complete.
    • Existing students are not required to study any equivalent number of newly added courses against previous ones that are deleted, but already been completed by them. All completed courses, that are deleted, will appear in the student academic record.

Graduation Requirements

Students must pass all courses in their program of study successfully, obtaining minimum CGPA of (2.00). Additionally, they must attend the minimum, but not exceeding the maximum study period.

Visiting Student

A visiting student is an individual, who is registered as a regular student at another higher education institution but enrolled for some courses at GU for a semester. At the end of the semester, GU is not obligated to admit or transfer the visiting student to any of its academic programs.

    • The visiting student must be nominated by his/her institution to study specific course(s) at GU.
    • The visiting student is required to submit the following documents:
      • Formal letter from his/her Institution addressed to Unit of Admission and Registration at GU indicating their approval of the course(s) to be studied at GU in a specific semester.
      • Copy of valid passport.
      • Copy of student ID from his institution.
    • The visiting student must pay study and other related fees:
      • S/he shall pay twice the rate of the regular course fee, if the specific course is offered for regular students at GU.
      • S/he shall pay four times the rate of the regular course fee, if the specific course is not offered for regular students at GU.
    • At the end of the semester, the grade(s) of the visiting student achieved at GU shall be sent to his/her Institution.

Last Updated on November 17, 2024 @ 12:09:24 pm

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