Admission Regulations

    • Admission Criteria:

      • Admission Criteria for Bachelor in Interior Design Engineering Program:
        • Applicant must have a high-school certificate or an equivalent, or a certificate from applied technical or industrial institutes or an equivalent, according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
        • The high-school certificates must be in one of the following branches- Science, Commercial, Industrial, with a GPA of no less than 60%.
        • Applicants with GPA equal to or greater than 60% must pass in placement tests, and if they fail, they have to enroll in relevant preparatory courses, noting that:
          • While enrolling in preparatory courses(s), students are not allowed to enroll in the program courses, but they are allowed to enroll in the University Requirement Courses (provided that there are no prerequisites for such courses). After passing the preparatory courses, students can enroll in program courses.
          • All preparatory courses are of (3) credit hours.

            The following are the placement tests for Bachelor in Interior Design Engineering Program and relevant preparatory course(s) to be enrolled in, if applicants fail in placement test(s):

            Knowledge and Skills in Interior Design: Pass Mark for “Knowledge and Skills in Interior design” test is 65%. If the Applicant scores less than 65%, s/he is required to enroll in and pass the Preparatory Course (IND011 Introduction to Knowledge and Skills in Interior Design).
            Mathematics for Architecture and Interior Design: Pass Mark for Mathematics test is 65%. If the Applicant scores less than 65%, s/he is required to enroll in the Preparatory Course (MTH013 Basic Mathematics for Architecture and Interior Design).
            Computer Skills: Pass Mark for Computer Skills test is 65%. If the Applicant scores less than 65%, s/he is required to enroll in the Preparatory Course (CS011 Computer Skills).
            English Language Proficiency: Pass Mark for English Language Proficiency test is 65%. If the Applicant scores between 40% to less than 65%, s/he is required to enroll in the following Preparatory Course (ENG016 Foundation English 2). If the Applicant scores less than 40%, s/he is required to enroll in the following two Preparatory Courses (ENG015 Foundation English 1 and ENG016 Foundation English 2).

        • Applicants with GPA less than 60% shall directly enroll in a preparatory program that includes the following preparatory courses:
          • IND011 – Introduction to Knowledge and Skills in Interior Design,
          • MTH013 – Basic Mathematics for Architecture and Interior Design,
          • CS011- Computer Skills,
          • ENG015 – Foundation English 1,
          • ENG016 – Foundation English 2.

      • Admission Criteria for Bachelor in Mass Communications Program:
        • Applicant must have a high-school certificate or an equivalent according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
        • Applicant must score 60% and above in the secondary school.
        • Applicants with GPA equal to or greater than 60% must sit for, and pass in placement tests, and if they fail, they have to enroll in relevant preparatory courses, noting that:
          • While enrolling in preparatory courses(s), students are not allowed to enroll in the program courses, but they are allowed to enroll in the University Requirement Courses (provided that there are no prerequisites for such courses). After passing the preparatory courses, students can enroll in program courses.
          • All preparatory courses are of (3) credit hours.

            The following are the placement tests for Bachelor in Mass Communications Program and relevant preparatory course(s) to be enrolled in, if applicants fails in placement test(s):

            – Mass Communications Placement Test and Interview: Applicants must take a placement test for Mass Communication (out of 60 points) and must attend a specialized interview (out of 40 points) conducted by at least two faculty members from Mass Communications program. The marks scored by the applicant in placement test and interview shall add together and a minimum total mark of 65% is required to enroll in the program courses. If the applicant scores less than 65%, s/he shall enroll in the Preparatory Course (COM012A Introduction to Mass Communications).

            Arabic Language Proficiency: Pass Mark for Arabic Language Proficiency Placement test is 65%. If the Applicant scores less than 65%, s/he is required to enroll in the Preparatory Course (ARB011 Basics of Arabic Language Skills).

            Computer Skills Proficiency: Pass Mark for Computer Skills Proficiency placement test is 65%. If the Applicant scores less than 65%, s/he is required to enroll in the Preparatory Course (CS011 Computer Skills).

            English Language Proficiency: Pass Mark for English Language Proficiency test is 65%. If the Applicant scores between 40% and less than 65%, s/he is required to enroll in the following Preparatory Course (ENG016 English Foundation 2). If the Applicant scores less than 40%, s/he is required to enroll in the following two Preparatory Courses (ENG015 Foundation English 1 and ENG016 Foundation English 2).

        • Applicants with GPA less than 60% shall directly enroll in a preparatory program that includes the following preparatory courses:
          • COM012A – Introduction to Mass Communications,
          • ARB011- Basics of Arabic Language Skills,
            CS011 – Computer Skills,
          • ENG015 – Foundation English 1,
          • ENG016 – Foundation English 2.

      • Admission Criteria for Bachelor in Human Resources Management Program:
        • The Applicant must have a high-school certificate or an equivalent according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
        • Applicants with high-school certificate or an equivalent from Arts stream is required to take all the placement tests for the program except “Mathematics for Business” Placement Test, and is directed to enroll in the Preparatory Course “MTH 014 Basic Mathematics for Business”.
        • Applicant must score 60% and above in the secondary school.
        • Applicants with GPA equal to or greater than 60% must sit for, and pass in placement tests, and if they fail in any placement test, they have to enroll in relevant preparatory courses, noting that:
          • While enrolling in preparatory courses(s), students are not allowed to enroll in the program courses, but they are allowed to enroll in the University Requirement Courses (provided that there are no prerequisites for such courses). After passing the preparatory courses, students can enroll in program courses.
          • All preparatory courses are of (3) credit hours.

            The following are the placement tests for Bachelor in Human Resources Management Program and relevant preparatory course(s) to be enrolled in, if applicants fail in placement test(s):

            Mathematics for Business: Pass Mark for Mathematics for Business placement test is 65%. If the applicant scores less than 65%, s/he is required to enroll in the Preparatory Course (MTH014 Basic Mathematics for Business).

            Computer Skills Proficiency: Pass Mark for Computer Skills Proficiency placement test is 65%. If the applicant scores less than 65%, s/he is required to enroll in the Preparatory Course (CS011 Computer Skills).

            English Language Proficiency: Pass Mark for English Language Proficiency Placement test is 65%. If the Applicant scores between 40% to less than 65%, s/he is required to enroll in the following Preparatory Course (ENG016 Foundation English 2). If the Applicant scores less than 40%, s/he is required to enroll in the following two Preparatory Courses ((ENG015 Foundation English 1 and ENG016 Foundation English 2).

            Arabic Language Proficiency: Pass Mark for Arabic Language Proficiency Placement test is 65%. If the Applicant scores less than 65%, s/he is required to enroll in the Preparatory Course (ARB011 Basics of Arabic Language Skills).

        • All Applicants with GPA less than 60% shall directly enroll in a preparatory program that includes the following preparatory courses:
          • MTH014 Basic Mathematics for Business
          • CS011 Computer Skills
          • ENG015 Foundation English 1
          • ENG016 Foundation English 2
          • ARB011 Basics of Arabic Language Skills

      • Admission Criteria for Bachelor in Accounting and Finance Program:
        • The Applicant must have a high-school certificate or an equivalent according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
        • Applicants with high-school certificate or an equivalent from Arts stream is required to take all the placement tests for the program except “Mathematics for Business” Placement Test and is directed to enroll in the Preparatory Course “MTH 014 Basic Mathematics for Business”.
        • Applicant must score 60% and above in the secondary school.
        • Applicants with GPA equal to or greater than 60% must sit and pass in placement tests and if they fail they have to enroll in relevant preparatory courses, noting that:
          • While enrolling in preparatory courses(s), students are not allowed to enroll in the program courses, but they are allowed to enroll in the University Requirement Courses (provided that there are no prerequisites for such courses). After passing the preparatory courses, students can enroll in program courses.
          • All preparatory courses are of (3) credit hours.

            The following are the placement tests for Bachelor in Accounting and Finance Program and relevant preparatory course(s) to be enrolled in, if applicants fail in placement test(s):

            Mathematics for Business: Pass Mark for Mathematics for Business placement test is 65%. If the Applicant scores less than 65%, s/he is required to enroll in the Preparatory Course (MTH014 Basic Mathematics for Business).

            Computer Skills Proficiency: Pass Mark for Computer Skills Proficiency placement test is 65%. If the Applicant scores less than 65%, s/he is required to enroll in the Preparatory Course (CS011 Computer Skills).

            English Language Proficiency: Pass Mark for English Language Proficiency Placement test is 65%. If the Applicant scores between 40% to less than 65%, s/he is required to enroll in the following Preparatory Course (ENG016 Foundation English 2). If the Applicant scores less than 40%, s/he is required to enroll in the following two Preparatory Courses (ENG015 Foundation English 1 and ENG016 Foundation English 2).

            Arabic Language Proficiency: Pass Mark for Arabic Language Proficiency Placement test is 65%. If the Applicant scores less than 65%, s/he is required to enroll in the Preparatory Course (ARB011 Basics of Arabic Language Skills).

        • All Applicants with GPA less than 60% shall directly enroll in a preparatory program that includes the following preparatory courses:
          • MTH014 Basic Mathematics for Business
          • CS011 Computer Skills
          • ENG015 Foundation English 1
          • ENG016 Foundation English 2
          • ARB011 Basics of Arabic Language Skills

    • Placement Test Criteria: These are specific for each program. Please refer to Article (5.1.1 – Admission Criteria).

    • Preparatory Courses Criteria: These are specific for each program. Please refer to Article (5.1.1 – Admission Criteria).

    • Exemptions from Placement Tests:
      • All Applicants with high school certificate in Art Stream, regardless of their GPA, shall be exempted from placement test in “Mathematics for Business” and shall be enrolled in the preparatory course “MTH014 Basic Mathematics for Business”.
      • Applicants shall be exempted from the placement test in English Language if they have a valid acceptable grade in any of the following: “TOEFL [550 Paper-Based Test (PBT) / 79 Internet-Based Test (IBT)]”, “International English Language Testing System (IELTS): (6)”, “Cambridge English: First (FCE) 60%” or an equivalent.
      • Applicants transferred from similar programs shall be exempted from placement tests provided that their Course Equalization and Credit Transfer show that they have passed similar tests or studied courses similar to the preparatory courses at GU, otherwise they shall sit for relevant placement test(s).
      • Graduates or students from other higher educational institutions whether they obtained a degree from their institutions or not, can be admitted in the programs provided that they meet all admission requirements at GU.

    • Credit Transfer (Pathway Change) Criteria: Gulf University ensures formal credit transfer arrangements that provide opportunity to applicants, wishing to transfer their programs from other higher education institutions, and to students at the University to transfer from their current programs to another within the University.
      • External Transfer: External credit transfer for students or graduates from other HE institutions, who wish to study at GU and who meet GU admission requirements, will be considered as follows:
        • Courses with similar titles, contents, credit hours, and NQF level to these at GU will be transferred.
        • The minimum grade required for transfer is C or 70% if the passing grade is 60%, or 60% if the passing grade is 50% , or 50% if the passing grade is 40%.
        • No courses shall be equivalent to GU preparatory courses.
        • Courses passed outside GU after the student is registered at GU cannot be transferred without prior written permission from relevant College and President of University.
        • The maximum number of transferred credits is 66% of the total credits required for the degree (this does not include courses transferred for the requirements of supplementary courses of zero credit).
      • Internal Transfer: Student at GU can change his/her pathway from current program to another within the University. Internal transfer criteria are:
        • The student has completed at least one semester in current program, excluding withdrawal semesters.
        • Credits will be transferred only for courses that are similar (including NQF level) in both programs. Non-similar courses will not be considered for credit transfer.
        • Marks for transferred courses will be included in the CGPA.
        • Internal transfer will be subject to approval by relevant Heads of Departments and Dean(s).
        • One semester will be considered in the maximum period of graduation in the new program, for every (15) credit hours transferred from the previous program.

    • Admission Interviews:
      • All Applicants shall go through an interview conducted by the Admission Committee which provides the applicant with the opportunity to learn more about Gulf University as a whole, its offered programs and associated career opportunities after graduation. Also, the interview provides the University with an opportunity to learn about applicant’s experience, preferred field of study and future career plan in order to advise him/her accordingly.
      • Additionally, different programs may require applicants to go through a specialized interview conducted by faculty members from the relevant program.

    • Admission Requirements: The following requirements for admission must be attached to the application form:
      • Certified copies of secondary school certificate.
      • In case that the applicant completed his/her schooling outside of the Bahraini National System, s/he should supply an equivalence letter from the Ministry of Education with a copy of his/her secondary school certificate.
      • Copies of valid passport and identity card.
      • (4) new photos of the applicant.
      • If a student is transferring from another university/institute, a full official transcript is required.

    • Deferred Registration: Applicant, who has accepted the admission offer but wishes to defer his/her registration for maximum of two semesters shall submit a request for deferred registration to Unit of Admission and Registration. The Unit of Admission and Registration shall approve the request and communicate decision to applicant, relevant Dean and Head of Department.

    • Admission Appeal: Applicant/student, who wishes to appeal against his/her admission/pathway change decision shall submit to the Unit of Admission and Registration a completed appeal form, within 10 days of receiving the decision. The Unit of Admission and Registration shall inform the student of the decision regarding the appeal in writing.

Last Updated on November 18, 2024 @ 12:27:23 pm

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