The Gulf University announced the launch of Northampton University’s Master’s Programme in Human Resources Management, as part of its commitment to providing outstanding educational programs that meet the needs of the labour market and keep pace with the latest developments in modern and digital administrative science and human resources that keep pace with digital transformation in institutional work. This programme is one of the most prominent and important programmes available to specialists in human resources management, business management and professional leadership in various sectors of the labour market University of Northampton “, offering students an exceptional opportunity to earn a master’s degree from the University of Northampton while studying in Bahrain, The duration of studying in this program takes one school year and this will distinguish enrolment in the program from the opportunity to obtain intensive, comprehensive and practical education within a short period of time. employment opportunities in the domestic and international labour market.

In this context, the President of the Gulf University, Prof. Muhannad Al-Mashhadani stressed that the Gulf University seeks to provide high-quality and sustainable education that meets the evolving labour market needs and is in line with the modern digital market in various fields and sectors, enhances leadership skills in decision-making and its industry, conflict management and can be strategic and more professional thinking and promotes personal and professional development. The programme also promotes the knowledge economy and the green economy of green and digital human resources, in line with Bahrain’s Vision 2030.

In the light of this, Mashhadani expressed his pride and pride in the launch of the Gulf University in Bahrain in cooperation with Northampton University in the United Kingdom, as it offers a distinct educational experience that develops human expertise and cadres. The Dean of the Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences also reported that the program is a qualitative shift in the development of human resources work and enabling its specialists to produce more effectively in the workplace. The program will focus on professional and strategic application by integrating competencies and expertise and highlighting professional and professional best practices.

For his part, Dean of the Faculty of Administrative and Financial Sciences Dr. Mahmoud Al-Zaghloul confirmed the accreditation of the Human Resources Master’s Program by Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development in the UK CIPD, which ensures that the program meets the highest professional standards in the field of human resources and development.

It should be noted that the University has institutional accreditation and all its programmes are trusted by the Education and Training Quality Authority, IET Associate Membership Certificate from the Engineering and Technology Foundation of the United Kingdom “The Institution of Engineering and Technology”, and membership of the Association of Colleges of Journalism and Mass Media (ASJMC), professional international accreditation from the Royal British Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) To be the first academic program in the Middle East to receive this accreditation, the University has also obtained international AASCB membership and accreditation of the British Association of Chartered Accountants.