Woman in Engineering and Industry 

Woman in engineering and industry  Women in engineering and industry continue to face unique challenges and barriers, including discrimination, lack of mentorship, and unconscious bias. However, there has been a concerted effort to increase the representation of women in the field through initiative such as […]

The New Dawn of Tech

Technology is constantly evolving, and it is difficult to predict what the future holds. However, there are some trends that are likely to continue to develop in the years to come. Artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR), Virtual reality (VR), and the metaverse are four […]

Guest Speaker Eng. Hasitha Dinumpura

The College of Engineering welcomed the guest speaker Eng. Hasitha Dinumpura, Head of Green Innova Academy at GU Campus who delivered a lecture entitled:“Introduction to Solar PV Technology” to the Engineering Students of the Interior Design Engineering Program, Mechanical Engineering Program and Electrical & Electronic […]

Site visit to the American Mission Hospital

The College of Engineering organized a site visit to the American Mission Hospital project supervised by Green Innova Company for the students who enrolled in the Interior Design Engineering Program, Mechanical Engineering Program, and Electrical & Electronic Engineering Program. The students get knowledge about the […]

GU Graduation Ceremony 2023

Graduation Day is an occasion for students to express gratitude to their family, friends, and mentors who have supported and encouraged them throughout their academic journey. It is a day to recognize their contributions and their role in the graduates’ success. The Gulf University Graduation […]

UON Advisory Board Meeting

The Advisory Board of the Electrical & Electronic Engineering Program and Mechanical Engineering Program held its periodic meeting. Prof. ISA Qamber chaired the meeting with Dr. Walid Elfezzani, the coordinator of the Advisory Board Council, and Dr. Oula Fatla, HOD of the Mechanical Department. The […]