Al-Mashhadani: Strong participation of various institutions and companies from the private sector

Gulf University organized the Career Day Exhibition in the presence of His Excellency Mr. Jamil Humaidan, Minister of Labor, on Thursday, May 30, in the Big Hall at Gulf University in Sanad in the presence of Professor Dr. Mona Rashid Al-Zayani, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Gulf University, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Gulf University, and Dr. Muhannad Ismail Al-Mashhadani, President of the University, and with the participation of (28) institutions and companies in the private sector.

President of Gulf University, Professor Muhannad Al-Mashhadani, pointed out the importance of the Career Day in breaking the psychological barrier between job seekers and the private sector establishments. He added: “Career Day is an important event in which companies from the private sector display the most important information, which allows employers and students to communicate and interact directly through this day and opens the way for graduate students and those who are about to graduate from Gulf University to learn about the needs and skills required.” Which in turn contributes to accelerating the process of their integration into the labor market.”

Al-Mashhadani stressed the importance of this event in terms of the employment opportunities it provides for job seekers. He illustrated that the Gulf University seeks, by organizing this event, to support its students and graduates in starting their professional careers successfully, and to provide an interactive environment that allows them to interact directly with representatives of various companies and institutions.

The opening ceremony program included honoring the participating parties, including His Excellency Mr. Jamil Humaidan, Minister of Labor, a speech by the guest of honor, founder of the Shabab Times media platform, Mr. Ali Al-Sharafi, and sharing success stories of university graduates.

Al-Mashhadani reported that the turnout of participants in Career Day reflects the state of satisfaction with the levels of university graduates in the labor market and the extent to which company officials praise them for their commitment, discipline, and high professional ethics.

He added that the university is keen to organize this event on an annual basis with the aim of achieving the aspirations of students and graduates to enter the labor market. He called on students and graduates to benefit from the exhibition as it gives them a clear picture of the reality of the labor market in the Kingdom of Bahrain.