
Current Position: Dean of College of Engineering
Email Address: [email protected]
Title: Assistant Professor
Department: Architectural and Interior Design Engineering Department
Specialization (General): Interior Design
Specialization (Specific): Interior Architecture


    • Ph.D. of Interior Architecture, Curtin University, Australia, 2017
    • Master of Interior Design, University of Baghdad. Iraq, 2000
    • B.Sc. of Interior Design, University of Baghdad. Iraq, 1997

Professional Membership

    • FHEA: Fellow UK Higher Education Academy/UK
    • General Member in Dubai Design & Fashion Council (DDFC)
    • Associate Member in The Institution of Engineering & Technology (IET)

Teaching & Learning Statement

My teaching philosophy is always to help students to develop their intellectual, practical and creative potential to encourage their personal development. My teaching puts the learner at the centre. I use a variety of different teaching styles and learning activities, depending on the type of course. To generate a yearning for knowledge I think that it is important for teachers to convey their own enthusiasm for a subject to make the courses more interesting. Using technology and modern teaching methods in educational environment can enhance the learning methods to attract students into the university by using modern facilities to enhance and stimulate learning experience.


I have more than fifteen years of teaching experience related to Interior Design, Environmental Design in Baghdad University/Art College and in Gulf University. I worked as a Designer at Department of Engineering Affairs in the Office of the Presidency, Baghdad/Iraq for two years. I taught several courses that varies between Design Courses, History of Interior Design/ Architecture/ Art, Color courses, Senior Research, Senior Project. I headed a number of committees such as Quality Assurance internally and Program Review and Development.

Research Interest

My research interests focus on environmental color, learning environment design, interior design engineering and design process.

Selected Publication

    • PROJECT-BASED LEARNING BY EXPERIMENTAL-BASEDLEARNING: EFFICIENTHANDS-ON PRACTICE IN INTERIOR DESIGN ENGINEERING EDUCATION ,H.ElMarsafawy ,O.Blibech , H.Elzefzafy, A. Abdulsalam Al-Ayash, I.Reda , ICERI2020,13th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation.
    • Al-Ayash, A. and M. Fahmi Hussein. 2020. “Distance education technology tools in interior design during COVID-19 pandemic (UOP&UOG students as a case study)”. Palarch’s Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/Egyptology 17(7): 13184-13202. ISSN1567-214x.
    • Al-Ayash, A., R. Kane, D. Smith and P. Green-Armytage. 2016. “The influence of color on student emotion, heart rate and performance in learning environments” Color Research and Application 41(2): 196-205.

Other Interest & Activities

Reading, Drawing, Technology and software.

Last Updated on October 8, 2024 @ 09:07:24 am

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