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Course/Workshop المسمى مهارات العمل الجماعي والقيادة
Instructor د. عمر بليبيك
Target Audience Employees of Southern Region Municipality
Objective The workshop aims to explore range of approaches, theories, models, principles, and techniques associated to Teamwork Skills and Leadership. Dynamic and interactive contents showing emerging trends and advances, will be delivered throughout the workshop sessions, supported by series of well-established practical applications, collaborative activities and participative exercises allowing for effective useful abilities and opportunities for a future implementation and development towards defined goals, targeted growth and intended achievements.
Duration of the Course/Workshop 4 ساعات
Date of the Course 20/01/2024
Price (BD) Free.
Location Gulf University.
  • وقت البدء
    يناير 20 - 12:00 ص
  • نهاية الوقت
    يناير 20 - 11:59 م
  • الهاتف
    +973 1762 0092
  • البريد الإلكتروني
  • منظم
    Community Engagement and Continuing Learning Center

Last Updated on January 7, 2024 @ 10:35:07 am

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