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Course/Workshop المسمى تمكين العروض التقديمية: إتقان PowerPoint للتواصل المؤثر
Instructor د. أسيل عياش
Target Audience Employees of Southern Region Municipality
Objective The objective of this workshop is to equip participants with the essential skills and knowledge to create compelling and impactful presentations using Microsoft PowerPoint. Through hands-on learning and practical exercises, attendees will gain proficiency in designing visually engaging slides, structuring content effectively, incorporating multimedia elements, and delivering presentations with confidence. By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to create

professional and persuasive PowerPoint presentations that captivate audiences and effectively convey their messages

Duration of the Course/Workshop 4 Hours/day
Date of the Course 18/04/2024
Price (BD) مجاني
Location الجامعة الخليجية
  • وقت البدء
    أبريل 18 - 12:00 ص
  • نهاية الوقت
    أبريل 18 - 11:59 م
  • الهاتف
    +973 1762 0092
  • البريد الإلكتروني
  • منظم
    Community Engagement and Continuing Learning Center

Last Updated on February 29, 2024 @ 11:08:22 am

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